Wednesday, April 09, 2014


It's raining in Melbourne today.  Not pouring; more drizzle, but constant.  This week past I have really felt the transition of the seasons, and it's felt exciting and fresh.  I am so ready for Autumn; for the mild sunshine and crisp afternoons, the necessity of a light cardigan whenever heading out of the house just in case, and toasty warm hand-knitted socks for snugging on the couch of an evening.

It seems the perfect season for me as I also transition, from full-time, big institution type employment into something more gentle, somewhere I feel I'm a person, not just a small cog within a huge machine.  So far I am loving being surrounded by wool all the working day, talking to people about their projects, their inspirations, and planning - oh, the planning!  Before I can feasibly think of adding more ideas to my list, I need to concentrate on my current ideas, though.  

My Autumn cardigan - Peasy -  is done bar the blocking and buttons.  Once I got onto the body, it zoom-zoomed along and Monday night I found myself casting off.  Most excitingly, it fits really well. 

I have been very gentle with the blocking, as the yarn is Rowan Felted Tweed, and I don't want the alpaca content to grow too much.   I love the pattern - Heidi Kirramaier writes beautiful patterns, but it's the colour that is the most amazing part of this garment. Such a perfect indigo hue.  I can't wait for it to hurry up and dry so I can wear it!

With the completion of Peasy, it was also time to start on my next sweater for my 2014 sweater project.  For Winter, I chose Miette using Cascade 220 Worsted in "Yakima Heather".  I even managed to find buttons in my stash.

I'm hoping that a worsted weight sweater on 5mm needles will go fast, because I'm feeling the need for some smaller projects at the moment!   April feels like the season for beanie knitting, and maybe some socks?  We will see...

On the subject of completing current lists, I've also been making a concentrated effort to finish my second Ferris Wheel cardigan.  This is the larger one, for my 10yo niece.  I used Bendigo Woollen Mills 8ply Cotton which has a beautiful soft touch, but as always, my tension is *crap* when knitting cotton.  I'm hoping a good block will help those tram tracks settle...

It's a lovely soft grey and I've only got the sleeves and the front bands to go now.  I've always loved making things for these girls, but I'll be honest - I don't think I'll ever attempt back-to-back projects of the same pattern again!  

I tried knitting them simultaneously for a while, but as soon as the smaller one was done, I just could not make myself pick up this one straight after. My hands and mind were craving different stitches, different textures.  Luckily this pattern is kind of an all-seasons one, and will be great for layering.  I've given myself an unofficial deadline of Easter to get this finished, because I'd dearly love to give them to them soon.

(and maybe start those socks!!)


rebecca said...

You are a knitting machine these days! And what beautiful sweaters are flying from those needles. I do love the knitting quests you set yourself. Sui glad the change of pace is working for you.

Caffeine Girl said...

Wow! You just flew through Peasy. The indigo color is just gorgeous, but I am most impressed by the fact that it fits! Congratulations.

Rose Red said...

I am SO envious of your new job! Not to mention your new Peasy. It is a gorgeous colour.

2paw said...

Autumn is my favourite season too: crisp and cool mornings with sunny lazy afternoons. You have knitted your cardi so quickly and it looks beautiful. I am a hopeless cotton knitter and it hurts my hands too. I am so glad you enjoy your new job!!!

DrK said...

SWATCHING!! you are swatching! hehe. i really should try that. so many lovely things, that blue really is divine. i can hear the joy in your 'voice' about the new job and it made me smile. yay for being around wool all day!!

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