Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A Year of Sweaters by Season (Winter): Miette

Hot on the heels of Autumn comes my Winter sweater - Miette!

A cropped cardigan using worsted weight yarn knits up quickly, it seems.  Also, despite what the photos might have you believe, both sleeves are in fact the same length and width.

The colour has worked up in a lovely way, with lots of depth and undertones to the heathered khaki-bronze.  I've mentioned before how hard it is to capture on camera and today's photoshoot wasn't any easier.  Adding another degree of difficulty to the chameleon cardigan was the dress!  Between the two, I couldn't get the balance right on both in a single shot.  Hopefully between the photos you'll get the idea.

I picked this colour (Yakima Heather) specifically to work with this cotton dress, in an effort to make it wearable all year around, and I'm delighted with the pairing.  The plan is to work this back with tan cowboy boots and tights (and break into country ballads at each and every opportunity!)

Another unplanned but successful button pairing from the stash too.  Well, 90% successful.  I only had 5 buttons and I really could have used 7, but I made-do-and-mended and omitted the bottom two buttons.  I think it's fine, and as I'll probably wear a belt I would have most likely never buttoned those bottom two anyway.

I love the retro feel to the design of this cardigan.  For a heavier weight sweater, it's quite fitted and therefore doesn't feel as bulky as you might expect.  I did have hesitation on this aspect, however I'm glad I went ahead.  An added bonus was I also used significantly less yarn than planned - just under 3 skeins.  I now have a full skein and some leftover, which I think I might make a little toddler jumper or vest out of

The pattern is free, and very clearly written, however the lace border is written out line by line, and I found it a little tedious to keep up with.  It would have been difficult to chart, granted, and I don't know what the alternative would be?  I am probably getting lazy with reading written lace patterns though, having been so spoiled with the proliferation of charts in contemporary patterns.

Pattern:  Miette
Yarn:      3x Cascade 220 worsted - Yakima Heather
Needles: 5mm Addi Turbos

I'm still enjoying my Year of Sweaters immensely, although I'm feeling the urge for something different as a palette-cleanser.  I'm knitting some socks up for shop samples at the moment, so that might just be enough to clear my restlessness before starting the Spring sweater?  I've also got a little "detour" jumper in the works too, testing out a new-to-me yarn, and a shawl pattern calling my name.  

With so many options to work on, I can't decide - more knitting time, please!!


rebecca said...

Well didn't you just sneak that one in! Winter done already. What a speedy turn around and it looks lovely, perfect for Nashville evenings.

Bells said...

it's gorgeus. Came together beautifully! Worsted weight and cropped don't seem to be concepts that immediately go together but actually I can see that they do!

Caffeine Girl said...

I am in love with your sweater. The cropped look is perfect with that dress. I can't believe it only took three skeins.

Rose Red said...

Perfect match between cardi and dress, and I adore the brooch. I so wish I could make a cardi with just three skeins of yarn! I love C220. I am wearing a c220 cardi right now!

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