Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Shield Maiden

Invoking my inner shield maiden today, with my newly finished Vedbaek!

How I look in my new shawl:

How I feel:


This is a light and lofty shawl, but with substance and shield-like qualities.  Sarah from FiberTrek has mentioned she regards hers as protective, like a talisman, and I couldn't agree more.

I love the way the Shilasdair Luxury 4ply worked up in the garter stitch, and the colour is just beautiful.  In some lights; grey, sometimes purple, others nearly brown.  A chameleon, perfect for protection.

My only minor disappointment is that the "arrows" on the edging don't seem to pop on my version as much as on others I've seen.  This could be just a matter of reblocking though?

I really don't have a lot to say about this shawl except to say I love it!  I've mentioned before, but in case you've missed it - it's a well-written pattern, easily memorised so perfect for travelling, and something different from the lace shawls typically calling for this weight yarn.

If you have been contemplating knitting it, do it!


Faeryfay said...

Wow. This is gorgeous. Lovely yarn!:)

rebecca said...

Well if it makes you feel like Lagertha, I am casting on now!

2paw said...

Oh, you do look very in charge and regal!! It is a really different pattern, maybe the arrows pop more in a lighter colour??

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