Wednesday, July 16, 2014

All about the accessories

After recent back to back adult sized garments, I've been ready for some quick and dirty projects with lots of instant gratification! Plus I've identified a bit of a hole in my accessories collection, namely hats and shawls/scarves.  And by hole, I mean I'm sick of all the ones I've knit previously and I'm ready for a refresh.  There's not seriously a lack of anything knitted in this house, trust me.

Sunspun have just started stocking Shilasdair yarns and I've been keen to try them. If you're not familiar with this yarn company, they are based in Skye, Scotland and produce a beautiful range of luxury-base yarns dyed with natural botanicals. 

I chose the 8ply weight, in the Fleece Cloud (natural) and Atlanic Blue (pale blue variegated) colour ways for this cutie-pie snowflake beanie, and the glorious Uig Sea-Green in the same weight for a Winterberry shawl.  

Good sturdy accessories, adept at keeping the bracing winds out, I feel.

I recently ordered a hard copy of "Journey", the collection by Jane Richmond and Shannon Cook.  This is a wonderful collection of patterns, including socks, a hat, a large shawl, some wristwarmers, a cardigan and a jumper. 

I've already made the socks (as a sample for the shop), and this week I quickly whipped out the wristwarmers, using some Bendigo Woollen Mills Rustic 12ply in a deep cobalt blue. They are toasty warm and I love the honeycomb stitch pattern.  There are also plans afoot for the shawl and beanie too, and when I'm ready to go back to jumpers, I've got some lovely, rich alpaca earmarked for the jumper.

It's been wonderful to have these little things flying off the needles, and the accessory drawers are once again full, a happy state of affairs indeed.  

It did get me to thinking though - what does one do with all their handknits that they no longer wear/want?  Some of mine are perfectly fine still; the lack of wardrobe rotation is more an indication of colours I no longer wear, or too many similar styles of that particular item at the time.  If you have any tips or bright ideas, leave me a comment and share! 

Until next time, stay warm x


rebecca said...

I reckon a clothes swap is the go. Our primary school has an annual clothes swap...great fundraiser and super fun. The Shilasdair looks lovely. I bought some in the uk a couple of years ago but haven't knit it up yet. Will look with interest for Winterberry.

Caffeine Girl said...

How do you get so much knitting done?

That hat is to die for. Just gorgeous. And so practical!

Sue said...

You could always dontate them to KOGO as they are looking for hats, scarves and gloves at the moment. I dont know a dropoff point though but you could look it up on the net. Your new accessories are beautiful. The new yarn looks very pretty.

kgirlknits said...

I knit when I should be doing housework, shh! ;)

Faeryfay said...

Love the socks!:)

Rose Red said...

Fleece cloud is such a great name for a colour! Love it!

I wonder the same thing about no-longer-loved/worn knitwear. Some I mean to donate (if suitable) and some I can't bear to give away. I suppose if I keep it long enough I will want to wear it again, heh!

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