Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Bendigo '14

I haven't been able to make it up to Bendigo for the annual Sheep and Wool Show for a few years now, so I was very excited to have the planets align this year and be able to dash up for the day last Sunday with Jules.

We planned to take the (early!) train but due to a defective engine we ended up on the next (still early!) train and managed to get to the Show by 11am.  

We were blessed with a beautiful day both weather-wise and for the company and experience but I somehow managed to not take a single photo throughout the day...

It's all about the haul anyway, isn't it?

I was very restrained this year.  Working in a wool shop seems to have curtailed my susecptibility to yarn fumes a little, although there were lots of temptations!

Overall, I went for things that are harder to get, or a bit more unusual. 

The very first purchase of the day wasn't even yarn - it was this cute little woven bowl!  It includes corn husk, hemp thread, date palm and cordyline.

I'm keen to try my hand at basket weaving this year, and I had a lovely chat to the ladies from the Basketmaker's of Victoria.  They were so encouraging, and I can't wait to get started with them.

Next up was 200g of  Wirrawarra in "Tawny Owl" which will become a lovely squishy cowl for me.  I particularly love the ply of this yarn, which give it this lovely marled look.

A trip to Bendigo S&W isn't compete without a visit to the Button Lady.  I was VERY restrained here, but it was so hard!

By this stage I was feeling a bit weighed down, so I grabbed this basket.  It will be perfect as a knitting basket, to sit next to the couch and house my bits and bobs.

In our final shed for the day, I picked up this skein of 80/20 sock yarn from Fiberific.   I love the subtle dyework on this yarn.  It wil become socks of some description but undecided on the specific pattern yet.

plus 100g of squishy mushroom pink wool that will be a cosy hat for someone.

 My last purchase of the day was made impulsively as we headed to the shuttle bus to take us back to the station, and was also my biggest purchase!

3 skeins of luxurious Bunny Mink from Ixchel, in pale grey, charcoal and turquoise.

I was tempted by the mint colour as we first walked in but it's not a colour I wear very often, so I left it at the time.  A single skein of the turquoise caught my eye as we were leaving and it was a done deal.  Jules suggested they would make a lovely Colour Affection and I'm inclined to agree.  I'm not sure I *love* the pattern though, so I'm on the hunt for something similar but different?

There's been a lot of stash-flashing on Instagram - it seems like it was another good show for a lot of people.  Did you go?  What did you love so much you had to take it home?


rebecca said...

I always adopt a quest at the Show and this curtails my buying and makes searching more fun. This year it was Australia grown Australian spun with kind of sad results but I got as close as I could. Had a big chat with the Wirrawarra lady who was super sad about not being able to spin in Australia anymore. Your purchase would have cheered her.

Rose Red said...

Lucky you going to Bendi! I still have many buttons from the Button Lady from my visit to Bendi five (!!) years ago. And I've used quite a few too...yes, I bought a lot of buttons!
I know what you mean about colour affection...I do think those colours will work well with it if you are so inclined though. But there are so many striped patterns out there now, I am sure you will find a good one.

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