Tuesday, December 07, 2010

not the type...

so, my lawn mower guy, who shall be called "Dennis" for the purpose of this post, and who is most likely in his 60's or thereabouts, came round to do the lawns this morning and when I went downstairs to drop off his money he asked me about the South Sea Roller Derby sticker on my car.

I told him it was the league I play with, and he got talking about the derby of the 70's, and  the wrestling similarities, etc.  We had a lovely chat about the theatrics and the physicality of it all.

I then was telling him about the fact that there was a derby tour in the 30's and 40's, and we both expressed our surprise at the thought of women from this era playing such a physical game....

He paused but a brief second and said...

"yes, but they wouldn't have been nice girls..you know? not the kind you'd take home to Mother.."

I went upstairs giggling to myself...

so that's my problem in the men department, LOL!!


Rachael said...

LOL I love that you get to totally dispense with tact when you're 60 plus!

Who wants to be a 'nice' girl anyways?

Leonie said...


Wired for Fibre said...

Naughty always sounded like so much more fun to me :P